Why is wellbeing important?

In any organisation, supporting positive wellbeing helps staff to be more resilient, whilst also enabling employee engagement and contributing to stronger organisational performance.

For survivor organisations, this is even more important. The nature of the work creates a risk of secondary trauma stress, vicarious trauma and burnout. By creating a plan to support staff wellbeing, you can help prevent stress and create a positive working environment where individuals can thrive.

Research has consistently shown that a key factor in successful outcomes is the quality of the relationship between a counsellor / support worker and a survivor. Looking after staff wellbeing – in addition to quality supervision and support – encourages better connections with survivors, and reduces the risk of staff making clinical errors or violating boundaries.

Compassion satisfaction refers to the positive feelings derived from competent performance as a trauma professional. It is characterised by positive relationships with colleagues, and the conviction that your work makes a meaningful contribution to clients and society.

However, exposure to firsthand accounts of trauma has risks and anyone working in this area should have access to appropriate support and supervision. In addition, it is important to be able to recognise and respond to the warning signs of secondary trauma and be able to provide appropriate support.


Section 6 Introduction


Potential risks to watch out for