Section 3: Suicide Risk

Research shows that children who experience abuse or neglect are at least two to three times more likely to attempt suicide in later life. Early identification of suicidal thoughts and behaviour – and effective care for those at risk – are crucial in ensuring survivors receive the care they need and deserve.

It is important that all survivor charities undertake comprehensive risk management, which is the process of identifying and responding to the risk of self-harm or suicide. 


In addition to understanding and implementing the topics discussed here, your team should also receive adequate professional internal or external training (e.g. ASIST or STORM).


Risk assessment

How to assess the suicidal risk of survivors and ensure your staff are confident in responding to its outcomes


Crisis management

How to effectively support a survivor in crisis and what actions to take to alleviate the risk of self-harm or suicide


Crisis prevention

How to work collaboratively with survivors to ensure that an up to date safety plan is in place to reduce the risk of any future crisis