Scoring the WSAS scale

The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (“WSAS”) is a simple and reliable measure for impairment in functioning.

a) Introduction to the WSAS scale

The WSAS assesses the impact of a person’s mental health difficulties on their ability to function in terms of work, home management, social leisure, private leisure and personal or family relationships. One question is asked for each of the 5 functional areas.

b) Scoring Range

The scoring range of the WSAS is between 0 and 8, with 8 being the highest level of severity.

The survivor considers each statement and responds based on how much their mental health impairs their ability to carry out the activity. They are asked to then tick the box which corresponds most closely to their experience, using the categories at the top of each column from Not at all to Very severely.

c) How to calculate

The total WSAS score is calculated by adding up all of the items. Maximum possible score is 40.

A WSAS score above 20 = moderately severe impairment or worse psychopathology.

A WSAS Score between 10 and 20 = significant functional impairment but less severe clinical symptomatology.

Scores below 10 = subclinical or low impairment.

Individual scores across work, home management, social leisure, private leisure and personal or family relationships can be taken directly from the questionnaire.

d) What do scores mean?

Scores are measured pre and post support and are used to show levels of functioning over time and track any improvement.

If any data is missing prorating is not possible.


Scoring the International Trauma Questionaire (ITQ)


Interpretation and Presentation of Results