Requirements for specialist techniques

Being able to demonstrate counsellor and therapist qualifications not only ensures that staff have the right level of training to carry out this work, but also helps build confidence in survivors, funders and others in the quality of the intervention. Especially for areas of practice that require a high degree of skill and experience such as EMDR, TF-CBT and for survivors with DIDs.

We’ve listed out the required qualifications, experience and supervision requirements for delivering these therapies below.

EMDR Training Requirements

To undertake EMDR training you must be an Accredited Counsellor and have considerable mental health clinical experience.

Full details of the requirements can be found here.

Details of available courses can be found here and here.

EMDR Accreditation

There are three levels of EMDR accreditation available each requiring a combination of clinical experience and specialist supervision. Details of each are available here.

EMDR Supervision

Therapists delivering EMDR will need to access specialist supervision from an accredited EMDR Supervisor.

TF-CBT requirements

Counsellors providing TF CBT need to have the following skills and qualifications:

Things to watch for:

If TF-CBT training was not on a BABCP accredited course, or if the counsellor completed training a long time ago, they can still become an accredited counsellor by providing other proof.

Supervision for TF-CBT

Therapists delivering TF-CBT should access supervision from a BABCP accredited practitioner (the supervisor does not need supervisor accreditation). This guidance applies both during and after training, and at all stages of accreditation.

Alternatively therapists can be supervised by a practitioner qualified in CBT to at least Postgraduate Diploma level (or who would meet the Minimum Training Standards). The supervisor should currently be practicing CBT for at least 50% of their own Psychotherapeutic practice and also be receiving CBT supervision specifically. They will be asked to write a paragraph describing their CBT credentials.

DIDs requirements

Dissociation is a common response to trauma, especially to Complex Trauma. It requires a high level of skill and experience to work with survivors with dissociative disorders.

For further information on Dissociative Identity Disorder please see here.

In order to deliver this work:

  • EMDR therapists funded by the SOCAS fund should have Level 3 EMDR training and be experienced in working with dissociative clients.
  • Therapists should be aware of and able to utilise the guidelines for EMDR Dissociative Disorders Task Force (Shapiro 2001).
  • Therapists must have experience of working with survivors presenting with DIDs and also meet the knowledge, skills and competences as outlined in the Transforming Psychological Trauma Knowledge and Skills Framework  at Specialist level [Level 4)


Showcase the credibility your approach by demonstrating Counsellor qualifications and training


Section 3: Suicide Risk