Develop a fully trauma-informed and responsive staff team
The National Trauma Training Programme (NTTP) was formed in partnership with NHS Education Scotland and the Scottish Government with the ambition of creating a trauma informed and responsive workforce, that is
- capable of recognising where people are affected by trauma and adversity,
- able to respond in ways that prevent further harm and support recovery,
- can address inequalities and improve life chances.
In the following video Dr Sandra Ferguson from NHS Education for Scotland introduces the key principles behind the National Trauma Training Programme.
Trauma knowledge and skills framework
The National Trauma Training Programme identifies four 4 levels of Trauma Practice and tailors their training resources to these levels. It provides free access to a range of resources to support workforce development that include animations, films, e-modules, videos and key documents, all designed to work towards this vision.

Counsellors, support workers, advocacy workers and volunteers should be at Enhanced Practitioner level(Level 3) and therapists delivering ‘trauma treatment’ should be working at Specialist level (Level 4).
Key Resources
The National Trauma Training Plan provides a 6 point plan for embedding trauma informed and responsive practice in your service. This is supported by practical templates such as a Managers Checklist and self-assessment tool.
NTTP provide a suite of online training resources.
Accessing the e-learning modules from the NTTP programme requires free registration. To register please click here.
Section 2 Introduction