Section 2: Trauma Practice

Staff and volunteers are key to the delivery of high-quality support and therapy for adult survivors of childhood abuse. Creating and developing a skilled team reduces risk, builds credibility and reputation, and improves outcomes for survivors.

This section covers how to build a highly-skilled, qualified and supported staff team. It will help you assess what skills and knowledge you already have in your workforce, as well as understanding any gaps that exist and what evidence-based training works best to respond to this.

This will help you to:

  • Attract, retain and support quality staff
  • Provide clarity and credibility for survivors, funders and partner agencies on your staff team’s qualifications, experience and supervision
  • Ensure that trauma interventions are being provided by staff with appropriate qualifications and training and supervision in order to maximise outcomes and reduce risk



Develop a fully trauma-informed and responsive staff team:

Supporting your team to meet the guidelines from The National Trauma Training Programme and Key Skills Framework. We look at what’s required to implement and point you to free resources for further information.


The importance of regular, high-quality supervision:

Qualified supervision should be available to all staff working with survivors. In this section we shall show you how to ensure appropriate supervision support is available for your staff.


Keep staff up-to-date on Safety and Stabilisation principles and techniques:

Ensure beneficiaries get the best out of treatment by providing staff with access to up-to-date training on Safety and Stabilisation.


Counsellor qualifications and training:

An overview of the training, experience and qualifications expected/required from counsellors and information on how to support your counsellors to become accredited.


Requirements for specialist techniques:

An overview of the qualifications, training and supervision required to support advanced techniques such as EMDR, TF-CBT and support for survivors with Dissociative Identity Disorders (DIDs).